Do you need to guarantee the availability of access to your publications?
Whether you are a public or private entity, with Tablon, our high availability publication service, you can easily accredit the access to your electronic publication.

If you are a company, this is your board "Tablon"
We make your publications generating and keeping evidence of the specific content on each publication during a certain period of time and keeping them available for consultation
Upon completion, you can request an electronically signed certificate with all the transactions performed.
Generation and custody of evidence.
Evidence access for a minimum of 5 years.
Integrity and authenticity of the publication.
Guarantee of publication availability.
Our Tablon service guarantees:
- Robust evidence of beginning, availability, and end of the publication.
- Integrity of the published content.
- Access log and accessibility of bidders.
- Certificate of all transactions.
- Non-unilateralism in evidence generation and provision.
- Custody of evidence.
We generate evidence and keep it for a minimum period of five years in case you need to present it in court.
It collects and displays the results of access to the published content.
It certifies data and documents of all publications and their verifications.