Logalnet reviews: an average of 71% would use it again

With a view to getting to know our clients better and continue improving, we carried out a survey allowing users to evaluate our platform’s features and let us know what they think about Logalnet. All registered users – companies and individuals, paying customers and those with a free trial – were taken into consideration.

The Logalnet platform is the simplest way to access Logalty’s services without the need for certificates. Its key features allow users to send certified postal or electronic notifications, finalise agreements with electronic signatures or sign real estate contracts.

Logalnet reviews: perfect for companies and individuals alike

Users of the Logalnet platform most valued the ease of accessing it, the effortlessness of sending documents and the simplicity of making payments. In addition, another plus for clients was the customer service received from Logalty: 88% of companies were satisfied or very satisfied with the resolution of incidents, and 78% were happy with the sales information received and details of the services provided. The variety of services offered and the ability to track sendings were also greatly appreciated, with 72% and 78% of those surveyed, respectively, claiming that they were either satisfied or very satisfied.

What’s more, these positive opinions were echoed by individual clients who have purchased the platform: 86% stated that they were either satisfied or very satisfied with Logalnet thanks to the ease of access and payment, the information on and variety of the services offered, and the sales information they received. Other favourable aspects of note were the simplicity of the sending process (83%), the ability to track sendings (71%) and incident resolution (57%).

Those who try it will do so again

Of the companies who took part in the survey, on a scale of 1 to 10 grading their probability of using Logalnet in the future, 63% gave a score of 8 or greater, 35% of between 5 and 7, and just 2% a score of less than 5. Moreover, when asked if they would recommend the platform, 71% of companies gave a score of 8 or above.

We also received an overwhelmingly positive response from our private individual clients. Four out of five of those who have purchased the platform rated their probability of using it again and recommending it to others at 8 or above. Of those who used the free version, 65% said they would use it again and 74% would recommend it to others.

New services to keep on improving

As a result of the response from our users, we are implementing new features in order to continue enhancing and increasing the features available on the platform and create an optimal user experience.
